• Wednesday, November 15, 2006,11:23:00 AM
Daddy's Birthday and also Bad Day

Received a call this morning from my Mum saying that my Dad not feeling well and both of them went to visited doctor. My Dad having Gastric for few days and in pain, but still doesn't want to see doctor until now. Hai... Suppose to be his Birthday going out celebrating but now he have to stay at home and rest. Just afraid that it is not normal Gastric or Tummy Pain, Hopefully he will be fine after taking Medicine.

Tonite having Meeting with NCSS and Camp Volunteer for Dec event, also hope will be a successful one. Have to Advertise and look for volunteer who can help to perform. Who interested to be volunteer let me know, really need some helper here.


~loVe is eVerYwHerE~
The Blogger ! !

Jaslyn Ng
Twenty-Three going Twenty-Four this year
People wish me 'Happy Bday!' on every 21 Oct
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
Desire ! !

Burberry Brit Sheer Frangrance
Digital IXUS 960 IS
Driving License
Hair Perming
HP Desktop
Pierre Cardin Wallet
Sony Ericsson W910i

Trip to . . .
Bali : 25 - 27 July 08
Brisbane - Gold Coast
Hong Kong - Ocean Park
Korea (Seoul & Jeju Island) : 21 - 28 Sep 08
Phuket : 25 - 27 July 08
Tokyo - Disneyland

Music ! !

~eVerYwhEre is LoVe~
Tagboard ! !

Links ! !

Adeline ~ Pigeon
Felicia CKC ~ FeR dE ChiOz
Germaine ~ Insane
Janice ~ Polar
Jordon ~ Panda
JPS ~ Contact Place
Lis ~ Simple Arts
Lis ~ Life Is Simple
NingZ ~ Ninglosoph
Xiao Xuan

Archive ! !

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